If itÕs not entirely obvious why a new generation of tech-savvy practitioners is necessary for the health of the real estate industry, the National Association of REALTORS¨Õ 2013 Member Profile should make it clearer.
In this latest Profile, which offers insight into the demographics, business practices, and day-to-day activities of active REALTORS¨, a picture emerges of an aging professional struggling to make sense of new tools and technologies amidst a sea of contradictory messages from colleagues and clients. Perhaps the most widely discussed takeaway from the profile is the increasing median age of the U.S. REALTOR¨. The median age has risen from 51 to 57 since 2007. That means practitioners are staying in the field longer, while fewer have entered the business in the past six years.
Jan 2014 – Casey Wright Ð RealtorMag