One of my best friends was the lead administrator at a local food bank for several years. He spoke often about the way his assumptions regarding food, poverty, and homelessness were challenged every day. I remember vividly his accounts of whole families tortured by hunger and kept alive only by the generosity of their local food bank.
The truth is that hunger is a much bigger problem in our community than anyone wants to admit. But, those on the front lines know the truth—nearly 50 million people in this country live below the poverty line. Of those 50 million, more than 1/3 are children under the age of 18. And, contrary to popular opinion, many of the poorest Americans in this country work full time jobs and collect little to no government assistance.
So, when our lead web developer Van suggested the idea of contributing to the local food bank for our February Thankful Thursday, our team was immediately excited. Today, we embarked on our mission to buy and donate as much non-perishable food as possible. We ended up dropping off over 124 pounds of food to the San Diego Food Bank, including some of our personal favorites—like Cloud Cakes and Spaghettios.
It’s only a small step towards making a dent in the hunger problem in our community, but it felt great to make even a small difference, and I’m continually encouraged by the selflessness and creative energy of our team. Another successful Thankful Thursday in the books!
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