Coming into 2014 I realize that this is the last year I can refer to myself as being in my 30’s. As of January 1st 2015 I will officially be in my 40’s. I recently asked “What does one do for their 40th birthday?” and an extremely quick response of, “Shoot yourself!” was blurted out. I’m going to say that is terrible advice and I will find 14 things to do this year that will officially shape me into a fine glass of wine. Sorry young pups… It’s my year ahead and I will be sure to accomplish 14 things that make me the highest auctioned bachelor of 2014.
1. My First Blog Post
2014 is officially the year I write my first blog post and you’re looking at it. I will now become a hero to many of you and gain a massive following by the years end. Be glad that you know me now, because I might end up writing for the Times.
2. On The Road Again
For the past five years, after having an unfortunate ankle injury, I decided to commute via bicycle only. As of yesterday, I have officially put myself back behind the wheel at speeds of 70 mph. I have to say it felt pretty good! It’s safe to say… I see many road trips in my near future.
3. Photo Booth
I have always had a passion for photography but haven’t really indulged in the technical aspects involved to produce high quality/well framed photos. This year I look forward to taking a photography class to learn proper techniques.
4. Create New Art
After a busy year working with an amazing team and rescuing Lenny(my dog) I have lost sight of my passion for creating art and painting. My goal in 2014 is to start creating new projects that allow me to find peace being creative and expressing my emotions.
5. Vacation Time
Corey’s recent engagement has given me the amazing opportunity to finally take a 7 day vacation in beautiful Cancun. I’m looking forward to actually stepping away and enjoying an amazing wedding, great friends/family, and the opportunity to relax. You probably don’t know this, but my last vacation of any decent length of time was in 2002. Remember I am turning 40?
6. 1 Year Anniversary
2014 will mark the 1st Anniversary of my life with Lenny. In July of last year my friends rescued an amazing dog from the trolley tracks in downtown San Diego. For weeks they would say, “this is the dog for you” and I would tell myself, “nobody can find a dog for me”. After a couple of cold happy hour beers and an overnight trial run with the little guy, I realized he just might be (even if he is extremely neurotic). After half a year with him, I truly believe we were meant to be! There will be a party and his crew will be there to get crazy with him.
7. More Music
I’ve officially lost sight of going to see live music and my goal in 2014 is to see 2014 shows. I think that’s only about an average of 5 shows a day rounded up so I don’t really see this being unrealistic by any means. In all seriousness, I really would like to try and see one show a month and I know this is possible. Once I turn 40, my ears might not be capable of handling that loud music…
8. 14 Unique Hairstyles
2014 will be the year of new hairstyles for me. I am setting a goal of 14 new hairstyles and they will all be documented with my new photography skills. I assume the last one will be a mullet but it’s a little to soon to really know that answer to this. Keep your eyes out for this blog post.
9. Dry Cleaning
I will start utilizing Dry Cleaning services for the first time this year. Since I’m turing 40, I figure it just ads to the fine wine aspect of my life.
10. Suits
2014 will be the year that I purchase my first suit and prove my high school yearbook wrong. Yes, I was voted the “Least Likely to Wear a Suit”.
11. Golf Time
Now that my 40’s are approaching I think it’s necessary that I learn the game of golf. It’s something I have always known I’d be really good at, but didn’t feel it would be appropriate to start until I reached the age of 40. So… you might want to watch out on the local courses until I get the hang of it.
12. Comic Con
After years of speculation and constant ridicule(on my part), I have decided I actually want to attend this Comic Com thing. Even though I’m not really a fan of comic books, I have recently learned Comic Con has much more to offer than just that. Now that I have been living downtown for a couple years, I have had an opportunity of seeing all the enthusiasim and hard work that goes in to creating this enormous event and it’s pretty amazing. Who knew?
13. Chanel West Coast
I will meet my dream girl, Chanel West Coast, this year. We will have a great laugh and she’ll realize how truly amazing I am. It’s not going to be easy but I have a really good feeling that we will cross paths this year.
14. Oh yeah… The Most Important Part
I’m really looking forward to working with an amazing team that keeps growing. There are many new things to learn coming into this year and I’m really excited to see where it leads.
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